Tuesday, January 27, 2009

How Cute is this Boy?

Thanks Uncle John and Aunt Jan!


James is both making and listening to a lot of noises. He's fascinated whenever he hears anything and his favorite is crinkly paper. He's got a new toy from his Yaya that makes crinkly sounds that he loves to look at and try to figure out.

Even Pierre is curious


It is snowing today and Pierre's never been happier!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Yes We Can!

Happy Inauguration Day!
What an exciting time to be born and to be in DC.

I like this so much I am going to lick it.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

1 Sweater, 32 Years

Amazingly, Yaya had a few of Daddy's sweaters stored away for the next generation, including this adorable personalized one. They are coming in very handy in the 20 degree weather. Its so fun to continue the tradition.

Big Boy Toy

Now that James is four months, there's a new set of toys to play with...like the Exersaucer! This thing is awesome, there are a million things to touch and do and you can bounce up and down (which he can't quite do yet). Thanks to Uncles Mark & Scott for this great toy.

Happy 4 Month Birthday!

Today is James' four month birthday. He's so big! He is really changing: starting to sit up pretty well, laughing, smiling all the time and really getting good at picking things up and putting them in his mouth. And, drooling remains another strong talent.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I Found my Thumb

James has started sucking his thumb. It is so cute, but amazingly hard to capture on film. Here's a few thumb shots and some other cute ones.

Ready to Roll?

James is getting ready to roll, I think. He's been doing a lot of hip swinging and I think he can even do it on command.

Live Action Teething

You know when you can feel something in your mouth it feels 10 times larger than it is? Well imagine you never have felt a tooth and then sudeenly there are two in there. Here's what that looks like.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Lately James has been staying up when we go out to eat, gone are the days os snoozing through meals. He is very interested in our food, perhaps its time for solids. We love having him with us, he makes everything so much more fun.

Aunt Elisa!

My best friend, Elisa and her husband Nathan and dog Griffin came after New Years to meet James and visit. We had a great time together, it was so nice to see them and celebrate 2009.

James models his new hat from Elisa and Nathan

Griffin and Pierre

Staying Cozy

The winter weather can't stop us! We're all about bundling up and getting out there. James has a stylish collection of winter gear these days and he loves getting out there and showing it off. Only problem is the mittens make it hard to chew on his fingers. No lack of trying though!


James had a great first Christmas. I am sure it was like any other day for him. Wake, bottle, kisses, repeat, but for us it was so much fun to get him dressed up in the Santa suit and celebrate the day. Here are a few photos of him and cousin Andrew on Christmas morning.