Sunday, November 22, 2009

Yaya and GG Come to Town!

Last weekend James was lucky enough to have his Yaya and GG visit from Atlanta. He had a fantastic time showing off his two new skills, walking and kicking! It was a great visit and we can't wait for more Gentles family time in December.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Walking, an Evolution

We've been "practicing" walking with James for what seems like months now and then wow one day it happened! I think he was more surprised than we were. And after two days of walking he's getting pretty good!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


First - wow - what a difference a year makes!

We had a great Halloween this year. First, we celebrated on Thursday with the Edelman trick or treat with all our little friends from work. Then on Friday, we celebrated with Braden and Mac and then we celebrated in our neighborhood. Great weekend.

James and Elle

Two monkeys, James and Reina.

James and Braden and Mac

Weekend Fun

This weekend, James has been honing his walking skills, racing around the house, and the park, with the truck, he loves it! He also has discovered kissing, and love to look at mirrors and kiss himself. And of course, there's always his best friend Pierre.