Monday, July 20, 2009

Summer Vacation

We just got back from a fantastic trip to visit YaYa and GG in Canada. James had many life events at the cottage. He perfected his crawl, tentative at first, but then became a power crawler, got a new tooth on top, made some new friends and learned a variety of new sounds, one of which is a crazy shriek. We got to spend time with YaYa and GG of course, but also all the cottage friends, which was great. And, Sandy's friends Tom, Anna, Collin and Mere brought their new babies, Jackson and Pearl to meet James. Here are some of our amazing photos. More to come - YaYa took some amazing ones which I will add soon.

On my way...
Driving to the cottage

We're here - my first view of the lake
My first trip to the beach - I loved it!

Pearl, James and Jackson

Collin, Pearl, Sandy, Tom and Jackson (James was napping)

James LOVED this bear and its decorative bells.
James and his new friend Charlie Wood
GG, Archie, Rugby and James on their daily walk
James debuts new clothes from "Joe Fresh"
The pool is James' happy place

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