Friday, September 26, 2008

James David Gentles is Here!

On September 17th, after 9 hours of Pictocin, labor, one failed epidural (this "never" happens) and one that worked, James David Gentles arrived at 4:30 pm via emergency c-section. In preparation for the birth I watched about 45 hours of Discovery Health's "Special Delivery" - and it helped! Both Sandy and I were able to remain quite calm throughout the "stats" and "go go gos" in fact, one of the doctors who was taking care of us asked me if I was in the healthcare field I was so calm. I am sure many of you are having a laugh over this one.

It was all so worth it, Baby James was happy, healthy and beautiful, weighing 8 pounds 7 ounces and 201/2 inches long. We are so happy to have him here, he's adorable!

1 comment:

Kara said...

The same thing happened to me, but both epidurals failed! Not so fun. Kara